This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the DMV.

California DMV
California DMV Office, location and Hours

Numbers in Raymond, California

Numbers in Raymond

Contact the DMV in California by calling the number 1-800-777-0133, this phone call will allow you to renew your vehicle registration, make an appointment to the driving test or to clarify any existing doubt you can have about your current vehicle or license.

You can use this automated phone number to complete your DMV transactions, make appointments, and solve your doubts.

Schedule your appointment and save time avoiding waiting lines! Remember that the DMV is available for you every Monday to Friday, from 7AM to 5 PM. Do not hesitate to contact them at any time, all of the operators will be happy to assist you.

This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the DMV (State of California Department of Motor and Vehicles). Remember that we are never going to solicit any personal information, ID or credentials. Official California DMV website:

DMV offices in Raymond, California

5264 Highway 49-North

Mariposa DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

1206 Maple Street

Madera DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

6420 N Blackstone Avenue

Fresno DMV Office - Northwest


(800) 777-0133

2103 Shaw Avenue

Clovis DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

655 W. Olive Ave.

Central Fresno DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

1313 W. 12th St.

Merced DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

655 Quince Street

Mendota DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

558 E. Dinuba Ave.

Reedley DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

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© 2025 - This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the DMV. Official California DMV website: