California Registration in Butte
The California State requires that all citizens register their vehicle at the DMV office near their homes. All drivers will be requested to update their personal information and current state of the vehicle at every moment, this process will save time and effort when dealing with any issue that may arise. Depending on the type of vehicle registration the driver needs, a fee will have to be paid in order to complete the transaction.
The information and documents required for the registration of regular vehicles and motorcycles will be found in the following paragraphs. In the case you need to register a vessel or a special vehicle, please visit the official DMV website to be sure you have all the paperwork you need for your kind of vehicle.
New registration in Butte
When purchasing a new vehicle at the dealership, it can happen that half of the Registration procedure has been made for you for the dealer (if they have the authorization to proceed with it). If that is not your case, you will have to do the Registration yourself.
The Certificate of Title must be signed up for both parts (The seller and by yourself)
Title transfer fees receipt
For brand new Vehicles, you will have to bring a Application for Title or Registration (REG 343) form.
For an used Vehicle, the California Certificate of Title will be requested (if the vehicle is registered in another State, an out-of-state title will be necessary).
Before making your appointment, please check the DMV portal to verify the necessary paperwork, as depending on the different kind of vehicle you want to register, some other legal forms or certificates will be necessary.
Registration of an used car in Butte
This transaction is called by the name: “Private party purchase Registration”. When purchasing a vehicle from another person the buyer will have 10 days to register the new vehicle under his/her name at the DMV. On the other hand, the seller of the vehicle, will have 5 days to notify the transfer of the vehicle’s title to the DMV.
The following paperwork will be necessary to be able to change the ownership of the vehicle:
- The buyer will have 10 days to register the new vehicle under his/her name at the DMV.
- On the other hand, the seller of the vehicle will have 5 days to notify the transfer of the vehicle’s title to the DMV.
To be able to change the ownership of the vehicle, the following paperwork will be necessary:
- The Vehicle’s Title, or as regularly called: “Pink Slip”
- The Bill of Sale
- The Vehicle’s record of odometer mileage
- The Smog certificate of the Vehicle
- The Applicable fees
This transaction can be made in person making an appointment to the DMV, or by regular mail.
Depending on the kind of vehicle you want to register, there may be different documentation required. Please check the official DMV website to assure you have the correct documentation before making your appointment.
It is necessary to register at the DMV any kind of motorcycle vehicle you have purchased or have been given. To proceed with this, you will be demanded of the following documents:
- The California Certificate of Title of the motorcycle
- Insurance Certificate
- Your current California Motorcycle license
- Fees receipt.
Please bear in mind that all miniature vehicles (or pocket bikes) are exempt of any registration and therefore cannot be operated in public streets, as they don't comply with the Federal Safety Standards.
Also bear in mind that all miniature vehicles (or pocket bikes) are exempt from any registration. This also means that these vehicles cannot be operated in public streets, as they don't comply with the Federal Safety Standards.
Special Vehicles registration in Butte
The following vehicles may have different requirements for its registration. If this is your case, please check the DMV official website before making your appointment.
All of these vehicles may have different requirements to process with its registration. If this is your case, please check the DMV official website before making your appointment.
Registration renewal in Butte
If you need to renew your vehicle's registration you can do it using the different DMV tools at your disposal: by phone, online, at the kiosk or by regular mail.
First of all, you have to be sure you are in possession of:
- The license plate number
- Your VIN (Vehicle identification Number), or the HIN (Hull identification number)
- The renewal notice with your current address
In the case you already count with this 3, you can use any of the Kiosk stations to complete your self- service renewal.
To be able to complete the “self-service renewal” bear in mind that a series of requirements will be demanded, so If you already count with these 3, you can use any of the Kiosk stations and proceed with your self- service renewal.
The renewal of special vehicles, or if there is a special scenario, you will have to use the online renewal system, as the self-service will not be possible. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to visit the official DMV website.
Replacement of your registration card in Butte
If your registration card has been lost, damaged or stolen, you will need to request a replacement to the DMV. To be able to proceed with this transaction you can use the different DMV tools at your disposal:
- Submit an online application
- Visit your local DMV office and the Kiosk
- Or to do it in person.
The DMV facilitates the payment of the applicable fee by the online tool, or by mail to the address: Department of Motor Vehicles - Registration Operations - PO Box 942869 - Sacramento, California 94269-0001.
Registration fees in Butte
All registration fees will basically be based on the type of vehicle, its price and the city you are living in. There are other factors that may influence this figure, like if you have had any infractions or violations to the Federal circulation laws. All fees can be calculated for new vehicles registrations, or for special vehicles at the DMV official website. The range of the DMV Registration fees are between 20$ and 70$ approximately.
This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the DMV (State of California Department of Motor and Vehicles). Remember that we are never going to solicit any personal information, ID or credentials. Official California DMV website: