This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the DMV.

California DMV
California DMV Office, location and Hours

Appointment in Tuolumne county

Appointment in Tuolumne

The DMV offices are available to help you and answer your questions with the greatest kindness. Whether you need to register your car, change personal data, or if you are processing your driver's license for the first time, the DMV is always there available to assist you and solve your doubts.

Make your appointment to save time and skip lines! Bear in mind that in most of the procedures, an appointment will be mandatory. You can contact and schedule your date by phone or using the Online service.

It is worth mentioning that lately, due to the COVID situation, many of the offices are not available for new appointments, but there is a Kiosk Service at your disposal, and the phone or online services are open to assist you.

This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the DMV (State of California Department of Motor and Vehicles). Remember that we are never going to solicit any personal information, ID or credentials. Official California DMV website:

California DMV offices in Tuolumne

885 Morning Star Drive

Sonora DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

745 Mountain Ranch Road

San Andreas DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

5264 Highway 49-North

Mariposa DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

201 Clinton Road

Jackson DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

825 E. Monte Vista Ave.

Turlock DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

124 Burney St.

Modesto DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

1313 W. 12th St.

Merced DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

955 Davis Street

Manteca DMV


(800) 777-0133

1222 Pixley Parkway

Lodi DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

55 South Lincoln Street

Stockton DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

2919 Cold Springs Road

Placerville DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

2785 Auto Plaza Drive

Tracy DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

3344 B Lake Tahoe Boulevard

South Lake Tahoe DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

323 E Bidwell A

Folsom DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

1206 Maple Street

Madera DMV Office


(800) 777-0133

Other services in Tuolumne county, California:

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© 2025 - This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the DMV. Official California DMV website: